Who Am I ?
Hello! I’m Ryan Luu, a software engineer in the DC area, specializing in Java, Python and C++. I have an interest in all things related to programming and software development.
My primary skillsets are:
- Backend development in Java.
- Application UI development with C++/Qt and PyQt.
- Scripting (Python, Bash, etc.)
- Linux and Unix OSes.
If you’re interested in chatting with me about programming, technology, or any other topic, please visit my contact page for a way to get in touch with me.
This Website
Why create this website? What is its purpose?
This is a place for me to write articles or blog posts related to my personal interests. This may be a cool new software library I’ve come across and or perhaps an interesting feature of a new language I am exploring. This is also a way to keep track of what I’ve encountered and learned, so the information can be easily referenced in the future.
This site has a page with a list of personal software projects I have worked on in my spare time.
This is my foray into developing webpages with newer web technologies. By this, I mean newer web programming and markup languages, libraries, tools, etc.
The Backend
Some technologies used to create this website include:
- Developed on GitHub and hosted for free on GitHub Pages.
- Blog posts generated by Jekyll.
- Coded with the GNU Emacs editor, with various lisp packages from ELPA and MELPA.
Programming languages or markup used:
- HTML5 / Javascript / CSS3.
- Liquid templating language.
- YAML markup language.
Javascript and CSS libraries used:
Have any questions or suggestions? Feel free to contact me.
Thanks for reading!